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Peepshow takes-back objectification and sexism, and kicks the patriarchy where it counts. Over Peepshow’s five spectacles, performers will review the four waves of feminism in a wrestling ring, explore the complexities of the male gaze through Broadway show tunes, and expose the modern woman’s complicity in her own oppression through a synchronized-swimming-and Kpop-inspired-ballet.


dog & pony dc 2018
Washington DC's Women’s Voices Theatre Festival

Conceived by Rachel Grossman, Tosin Olufolabi & Ivania Stack
Directed by Rachel Grossman, with Jordana Fraider & Tosin Olufolabi
Costumes: Claudia Brownlee
Lighting: Annie Wiegand
Choreography: Lorraine Ressegger-Slone
Production Stage Management: Emilie Moore, Trent Harper, Kala Grange
Dramaturgy: Jordana Fraider

Devised: Claudia Brownlee, Jordana Fraider, Sandra Mae Frank, Natasha Gallop, Kala Granger, Rachel Grossman, Amelia Hensley, Ouida Maedel, Kerry McGee, Tosin Olufolabi, Elaine Yuko Qualter, Lorraine Ressegger-Slone, Carol Spring, Ivania Stack & Annie Wiegand
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